Original Work comes along

from time to time. However, most exist, because people make it happen.

For me, film resonates best when it shares intropection to the human spirit and the connection to one another or the lack thereof. In the experience of making and watching a film, exploring human behavior becomes inherent to the process. To finish a film successfully, is to temporarily subdue a thirst long enough to only be happily thirsty again. AND I am a voraciously thirsty all the time with only brief moments of respite.

  • Direction
"Insatiable"   feature narrative on trafficking

A charged tale based on love, sacrifice and morality...
"Insatiable" depicts the depraved, inhumane world of sex trafficking, through the eyes of a Madame in a San Francisco brothel. The Madame's daughter falls in love with a sex slave and it's through the daughter's love, the madame sees the slave as a human being. This new perception drives the madame to come up with a redeeming scheme to help the girls.

"Just Jackee" episode   from As Film Waits Life Moves On's Channel

Being about 9,000 miles away from home will always allow me to me to be
open to new experiences.
This video shows a little of my experience flying in
Ndejje district, Kampala in Uganda. This is a place where people know one
another and there are no street names. Children run free and locations are
defined by landmarks.

Specific to this channel: This site produces and currates unique programs with
emphasis on storytelling. It is still in the beginning stages. Please peruse the
site for other programming.

"Through Their Eyes"   feature documentary on Agent Orange

"Through Their Eyes" is a documentary about the current unsettling situation of Agent Orange in Vietnam. It follows an extended journey in Vietnam of a Chinese-Vietnamese American filmmaker. She visits families affected by the dioxin poisoning from the Agent Orange herbicide, as well as a good number of Vietnamese unaffected citizens (doctors, activists, scientists, etc) who are bettering the situation through their work. This travelogue documentary starts in Hanoi and ends in the Mekong Delta.

Very short excerpt from documentary.

"Gaybies" trailer   from As Film Waits Life Moves On's Channel

There is an insurgence of gay families where both gay men and women are
having babies. Matthew Lombard and Jeff Peng share their stories and their
new lives as dads in San Francisco. Everyday gay families do not have visibility
in the mainstream media besides the mocu-TV comedy "Modern Family." With
just as many opinions, real life concerns and minus some drama, learn about
just another family. Check out their personal website documenting the growth
of the their children and their family in the link below.

"A Shade Before Pink"   a short narrative film

Cross dressing can be fun and evocative, yet it can be hurtful. Vivian's secret desire for her boyfriend's cross dressing is perhaps a little more than she can handle.


Reach out and be in touch to view more work or sound board ideas.
Jackee welcomes new collaborations, intrigues and experiences.
Looking forward...