Commissioned projects ...are blessings.

They come in unexpected serendipitious moments. Collaboration is a guaranteed way to grow, learn and share. Limitations and someone's desires allow the artist to use the craft with more depth.

  • Producing
Sotheavy Vignette   a profile for 2014 David Kato Award

Sou Sotheavy is a Cambodian transgender activist I had the pleasure to meet during my brief stint in Siem Reap. She is an amazing humanitarian and activist that does HIV/AIDS outreach work in remote areas lacking resources. She received the 2014 David Kato's Vision and Voice Award for her work in Cambodia. This was aired on German television for the Teddy Awards for the Berlinale.

Children of the Cannabis Trade   investigative piece

This featurette investigates the illegal canabis farming that takes place
in the U.K. The children of this trade are victims of trafficking from
Viet Nam. In this exposé, the children take the blame for the illegal
farming instead of receiving aid for being victims.

Field Produced the Viet Nam segment.
Produced and written by Mei-ling McNamara.

Coptics in Egypt   concept for documentary

Religious Persecution is unacceptable. Coptic-Americans and like-minded citizens protested in solidarity early in 2010 to show their condemnation of the mistreatment on Egyptian Coptics across the years in Egypt. The killings of six Egyptian Coptic Christians after Coptic Christmas mass (Jan. 7, 2010) in Naga Hammadi (Eastern Egypt, near the Nile) ignited protests around the world.


Feel free to reach out to be in touch to view more work or sound board ideas.
Jackee welcomes new collaborations, intrigues and experiences.
Looking forward...